Hello, My name is Philip Robbins and I'm an AV Specialist and I will be updating this site shortly.
Professional Statement
My professional interests include design, digital photography, robotics, sculpture, painting, and website design. My work experience includes corporate training and software implementation within the Insurance Industry, as well as teaching at the Cegep, High School and Junior High School levels (Visual Arts, Robotics, Computer Hardware and Networking, Skilled Trades, and Design and Fabrication) in the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
My professional highlights include - International public speaking while and after completing my M.A in Arts Education, Facilitating two Wooden 'Punts' builds on Fogo Island, NL; Facilitating three Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle Teams (ROVs) in Pasadena, Stephenville, and St. Georges, NL; and participating in Quebec's FIRST Robotics League as a mentor.
Tabletop Makerspace, 2015