ArtRage - Smartboard & iOS


How can SMART/Interactive White Boards be used to teach actual Art concepts?


  • Smart/Interactive White Board
  • Smart/Interactive Software
  • Art Rage v. 4
  • Reference Photo


Students will learn how to: 

  • use Art Rage
  • draw using a Smart/Interactive board or iOS device
  • use a variety of ArtRage tools, tool preferences, canvas types, and blending techniques
  • use layers properly
  • save and export their files

Students may also learn how to: 

  • import images from a camera or the web
  • control transparency and opacity
  • how to explore new software


Teachers should know how to: 

  • turn on their Smart/Interactive boards
  • launch ArtRage 
  • troubleshoot their Smart/Interactive board
  • complete and understand any included tutorials
  • use the ArtRage painting tools to create an original image
  • export and save files for use on the Internet


  • Rotoscoping - drawing over photographs
  • Constraints - Limitations that teach
  • Layers
  • Blending


  1. Launch ArtRage
  2. Download and Open the 'Eye_001.ptg'  file (above)
  3. Using the ArtRage brushes, pens, properties, etc, create your own rotoscoped, or original, image using multiple colours, line thicknesses, opacity, and a range of painting and/or drawing techniques (ex. hatching, stippling, etc...)
  4. Reflect. What did you learn? How could you use this technique in class? What problems did you face? How did you solve them? 


  • Create an original image using ArtRage for iPhone or iPad



  1. This activity can be complete in ArtRage without a Smart/Interactive board.
  2. With a SMART board (specifically) you can use a [clean] paint brush and/or a tennis ball in place of the standard pens.  Using a real paintbrush connects your students to the physical act of painting. Watch how it changes the marks that they make.


Click to download the ArtRage file

Click to download the ArtRage file

Screen shot of Art Rage

Screen shot of Art Rage

This video uses an 'iPen' but ArtRage works identically with a Smart/Interactive board. Video by Cregle

Remember: Learning new skills can be challenging for both you and your students. Don't give up or get too frustrated if your well-planned activity doesn't work the first time. You need to reflect and keep at it.